So, I was reviewing this brand new OpenCV book, from Robert Laganière, which is just amazing. It seems to be the best update to Bradsky and Kaehler's well known "Learning OpenCV", as it focus on OpenCV 2.0.
For someone looking for an updated reference in OpenCV, one will find lots of the new C++ API coverage, as well as a nice chapter 8 covering "Detecting and Matching Interest Points", including FAST, SIFT, and SURF features, which are a must for such a fully featured library as OpenCV.
Besides the attention paid to new topics, there's a good setup explanation for Qt and Visual Studio.
All topics are covered in a straight to the point methodology which makes of it an easy guide to consult for several topics of OpenCV.
The only drawback of the book would be not even mentioning OpenCV's Python API, which is great for prototyping.
All in all, this is a great book and it came to fulfill the needs of an OpenCV 2.0 reference the computer vision community was looking for.